

An ode to a visionary coach... Respected Lad sir, Great! Lad sir we always admire your dedication, devotion and determination towards the game and more over finding the talent from far flunge area and shaping their cricketing life, hope one day Mumbai cricket association and Indian cricket gives you due recognition ,which you deserve...salute to you sir and best of luck for your mission...
Sunil Lad
राजू आजपर्यंत तु जे काही क्रिकेट साठी केल आहे आणि त्यातूनच तु मुंबई व देशासाठी क्रिकेटपटू घडवलेस ते सुद्धा निस्वार्थी रुत्तिने याचे कौतुक करावे तेव्हडे कमी आहे.हिरा ओळखून त्याला पैलू पाढणे ही खरी कारगीरी असते. आणि ती क्षमता तुझ्यात भरभरून आहे. तुला आणि तुझ्या सर्व शिष्यांना सुयश आणि कीर्ति मिळो हीच सदिच्छा.
Sunil Sakhare
I remember you telling me about Atif when we met at Gateway of India. You and your family have selflessly dedicated to the cause of not just Indian Cricket but Humanity too. Your nobility and generosity has been rightly acknowledged by Atif. Take a bow! So proud to have you as a friend. Cheers!
Pradeep Divgilkar
अरे व्वा, आपल्यासारख्या क्रिकेट क्षेत्रातील द्रौणाचार्याकडून प्रशिक्षण घेतल्यानंतर पाषाणाच सोन व्हायला वेळ लागत नाही. आपल खुप खुप अभिनंदन!
Ganesh Chavan MNS
तुम्ही जे निस्वार्थी गरीब मुलांना मोठी मोठी स्वप्न दाखऊन ते सत्यात उतरतात तेच खूप मोठी गोष्ट आहे तुम्हाला परमेश्वर नक्की द्रोणाचार्य पुरस्कार मिळवून देणार. आम्हा गोर गरीबांचे आशीर्वाद तुमच्या पाठीशी आहेत.
Sunil Sakhare
After सर. रमाकांत आचरेकर मुंबई क्रिकेट विश्वाला सगळ्यात मोठी खेळाडूंची सोनसाखळी अर्पण करणारे एकच प्रशिक्षक, माझे ही तेच गुरू, सर. दिनेश लाडसर तुम्ही शतायुषी व्हा.
Amit Tawale
Sir, your belief is true and undoubtable. Aryan proved it again today with match winning 3 wkts. Thanks for everything and please continue to keep your focus on him to progress further in his career.
Kiran BadheChavan MNS
Sir, Karan has got call for match. You are simply great. No one else could have done this. God bless you .You reach great heights like never before
Lad Sir you are the best and there can be no one like our LAD SIR.
Sonu Sood (Actor)
Your coaching style reminds me of Dronacharya Ramakant Achrekar Sir. He was also very simple (life style) but strict when it came to discipline. Allowed talented batsmen to bat for more duration, bowlers for more bowling at nets, more match practice for these talented. Would roll the rollers on the pitch himself, water the pitch on a daily basis, Would not interfere much on one's technique if one is talented, giving more opportunities, more match practices. You both have created world class cricketers. Many more wonders for you in the coming years. Yes, your wish of Rohit Sharma winning the next world Cup on his own performances would come true.
Pradeep Karkera